
Friday, January 20, 2012

Orange Julius

Jude's preschool teacher shared this recipe with us after she made these for his 
class during "orange week." They were a huge hit with the kids and Jude 
was especially excited to enjoy this school treat at home.  
(And who can resist a little extra vitamin C this time of year?)

Orange Julius:
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate (half of a frozen can) 
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 ice cubes

(**I found it was easy to get the concentrate out of the can by running a knife around the edge of the can first.)

Blend all ingredients together.


Linking with these parties.


  1. Wow. I'd never think of mixing OJ and milk together. We'll have to give this a try.

  2. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like an orange creamsicle. mmmm. will have to try it!

  3. YUM!! can't wait to try this out!
    I am having a feature Friday Linky Party and would love for you to join in the fun.

    Come and Link up!

  4. My mom used to make this when we were kids in the summertime! Delish!!!! Oh the memories of Orange Julius and hot summer nights :o)

  5. We make it at our house alot...but I don't use any sugar and the kids still love it.

  6. I haven't had one of these since the 80's. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'll make it for sure.

  7. Oh my gosh, I totally remember these from my childhood! I loved Julius' and making them at home was so great.
    Best, Jenn from, hopping from anti-procrastination Tuesday

  8. Oh We LOVE Orange Julius... I remember Every time I would go to the Mall I had to find the Orange Julius before I went shopping... LOL!!! Thank you so much for stopping in and linking up with me at

  9. We used to make this ALL the time when I was growing up, and make it occassionally for my kids. However, my husband and I were just talking about how long it had been since we'd made it. I just bought oj a couple days ago so I could make it again. :)

  10. This is too amazing.... you are probably too young to know, or maybe in the wrong part of the USA, but where I grew up in California there were little fast food type places called Orange Julius. Fast forward to this week. It popped into my head and I thought, hey I have to make those - it sounds good. Then today, I see your post on a link party. Perfect timing!


  11. Back in the 80's, Orange Julius played a big part of our lives. We had one at our local mall and my daughter worked there a little during high school. We loved the drink so much....they used a powder, mixed with orange juice and water. I am anxious to try your recipe. Thanks so much.

  12. I haven't had an orange julius for ever! I am going to have to use the recipe and make me one. That sounds delicious!!
    I currently have a link party going and would love for you to share this.

  13. Oh yum! I'll be making this, and then sneaking into the closet to have it all for myself! Hey, come on down to and link this great post (and any others you'd like to show off) to the Head to Head Showdown link party, it's happening right now! Hope to see you there! ~Jen

  14. Awesome! I've pinned this for the future.

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes

  15. Ummmm, wow! This sounds so good! Thank you for sharing at my place!

  16. Try adding a raw egg to this to make it REALLY rich!
