
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Break

Today at noon is the official start of Clare's Easter break.  (I'm looking forward to not setting my alarm for a whole week...although Ellen might need a memo that it's spring break!)

So what to do with a week off of school?  Well, Clare recently asked me when we were going to start spring cleaning.  (A girl after my own heart!)  I also introduced her to magic erasers the other day and she was im-pressed.

We will also be getting out Easter decorations on Saturday.  And that includes my favorite/Ryan's least favorite of all of our holiday decor, the Easter egg tree I made in 3rd grade...

...I call it "vintage"...he calls it fug-ly.

Who's side are you on???  :)


  1. i love it!!! apparently ryan has no taste, but how much can be said for nascar fans anyway right?! ;)

  2. Its super cute! Dont listen to boys.. they would live in a pile of dirty socks if they could.
