
Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Things I'm Loving

Linking up with Julie today for the first edition in 2013 of 5 Things I'm Loving Right Now...

1.  Catching Clare reading on her own.  She's reading more and more and it's fun to find her wrapped up in a book.  

2.  The weather.  It may be 18 degrees outside, but that means dry heat inside, even with the humidifier on in our house, and that means my hair couldn't be enjoying better days!  Selfishly loving some good hair days.

3.  Early bedtimes.  School started back yesterday, and with our recent travel and overall Christmas/New Year's exhaustion, everyone has been in bed by 7:30PM at the latest.  (New Year's Day some were under the covers at 6:50, which means I hit the pillow early, too!)

4.  Christmas gifts yet to be enjoyed:
Subscription to the Magnificat from my in-laws and gift certificate for a mani/pedi from my parents!

5.  Jude talking about how much fun he had while visiting my family over Christmas.  (Confession: when asked what he liked so much about our trip out of town, his response only mentioned playing with all of the toys that are at Grandma's house, mostly the action figures he discovered this past trip.) 

Happy Friday! 


  1. Gotta love a good hair day, that is for sure! :) Thanks for linking up! love this list!

  2. Haha. I love your first one. No shame in that.
    And I have a Jude too :)
    Happy Friday!

  3. Cute picture! I am always early to bed too, I love my sleep! :-)

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