
Monday, January 14, 2013

Hooded Towel

One of the things Santa brought for Ellen this year was a full sized hooded towel (AKA a "big girl" towel).  Clare and Jude each have one and love them.

(Clare has enjoyed her Pottery Barn Kids pink elephant towel for awhile...)

I Mrs. Claus found how to make a hooded towel on pinterest (found here) and got to work.  (Although I did somewhat of my own version on this.)  The whole project took all of 30 minutes tops.  (And that included setting up the sewing machine in the kitchen while Ellen napped and the older two were at school...I love afternoon preschool!)

The hooded towel is made from a hand towel and a regular size bath towel.  I washed both before sewing.

Fold the hand towel in half.  Fold so the right sides are facing in.  Measure and mark 10 inches from the bottom and 10 inches from the open fold.  (You are making a 10 x 10 inch pocket for the hood.)

Follow your markings and make a square by sewing across and then sewing down.

Cut off the excess material and turn the hood right-side-out.

Next, find the middle of the bath towel.  Open the hood and center it on the bath towel.  Pin the bottom of the hood onto the towel so that all seems face inward.  Sew the hood onto the towel.

All finished and someone is l-o-v-i-n-g her new towel!  

Thanks, Santa!  :)

Linking here.  


  1. Good morning, Tricia...I love this! Unfortunately, I am unable to even thread a needle! But I was just thinking that I need to get Flynn a hooded towel. She is three and I am still using the baby hooded towels! I can't get rid of them yet! Yours turned out great! Pinterest success! : )

  2. Aww, so cute! I'll have to think about doing this sometime soon as my daughter is rapidly outgrowing her little kid towel!

  3. Now you just need to sew some eyes or horns or something on it and tell her it's a Purple People Eater :) I can't sew a button, so I am totally impressed!

  4. So cute..the towel and the kiddo :)

  5. Great tutorial. I'm going to pin this. Found you on the I Gotta Create! blog hop.

  6. Wow! it turned out great! Thanks for the clear directions. My daughter has a Hello Kitty towel and hand towel that would make a cute hooded towel. Look forward to trying it.

  7. This is so cool and simple:)

    Hopping by and following your lovely blog's GFC. I blog @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils

  8. Just made one and it could not have been easier! Thank you, Tricia!!!!!!! Now I have to make another for Cecilia!

  9. Hi, Tricia! I just got to check out your blog because Shannon put the link up on facebook! (Shannon scores I for advertsing!) I love this hooded towel and I can't wait to poke around more and see what you've got here! I just started my own blog a few months ago and will look into better advertising with Shannon! ( I hope you're well! - Theresa (Knecht)

  10. Yay!!! How cute is that!!! Love it!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! I'm looking forward to seeing what you link up this evening! :)

  11. Love this!! I'll have to pin this to keep in mind for my little one. I'm so glad you shared at Romance on a dime.

  12. So glad I found your blog and this craft, thanks so much for linking up!!

  13. Good to see such beautiful collection of personalized hooded towels and i think its a good gift for any newborn baby in the baby shower list.
