
Friday, February 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes

TGIF!  Joining Jen and the others on this fine Friday!

I had to laugh when I first saw true!

Maybe I'm a little too excited here (wait, see picture above as to why things like this excite me...), but we did some re-arranging upstairs to make room for Baby #4 and I found this hamper at the thrift store that fits into my new plan for dirty laundry.  (We don't have a laundry chute.)  Since it's twice as big as the one I saw at Walmart, and was only $3, I was sold.  

I think Ryan is going to gift me this pillow because he thinks it is awesome...


I was playing with Jude the other day and enjoying a "meal" he had "made" in our play kitchen.  He had set the table with 2 coffee mugs, one for each of us.  I took a "drink" from my cup and was told very matter of fact-ly, "It's beer because we ran out of milk."  Because that's how your pregnant mother rolls??

And score another one for Jude: He was invited to a birthday party next week.  I asked him what he would like to give his friend for his birthday.  His gift idea is a puppy.  A real one.

Other big news of the week is that Clare and Jude started swimming lessons!  They were both very eager to begin and I'm looking forward to Jude developing more confidence in the water and Clare improving her strokes.  I'm also looking forward to sweating out any water weight over next month since it's about 200 degrees at the indoor pool.  

Lastly, I just have to brag and say how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends.  Some of my girlfriends recently surprised me by toasting in my honor at our mom's night out.  What a nice surprise from some wonderful ladies!  I am blessed!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Good Friday morning, Tricia...and I loved everything about this post! That E card is cute...and isn't that the truth? Wait a few years until you and your hubby are doing Rock-Paper- Scissors to see which of you has to stay up on Friday nights until your daughter's curfew...and the loser struggles to stay awake on the couch, wondering how in the world you used to stay awake until 11:00 when you were young...Ok, on that note... Happy Weekend! : )

  2. Hi! I was just looking through a list of FUS alum blogs and found yours! Do you have a sister named MaryJo? I was her household sister, I graduated in 2005. It's so fun to find other FUS bloggers!

  3. Aw, aren't swimming lessons the best? We go to an indoor pool right now too (also super warm!), and even though we're paying a bit more than I'd like to for them right now, I always leave thinking it's worth it because I just smile the whole time watching my four-year-old determinedly flounder through that water! :)
