
Friday, March 15, 2013

7 Quickies for Friday

I'm linking up with Jen and company on this fine Friday...with a post I had originally written for last Friday, but baby Michael had other plans!  So here's last week's rundown...

First things first, Ryan wanted me to share his version of heaven:

The steak (complete with egg and bacon) he had while on a business dinner this last week.  Yumm-o, especially since I'm posting this on a Friday in Lent!

Clare and Jude finished up swimming lessons this week, and I let Ellen out of the house and took her to the pool in this self-dressed wonder:  

Was her mother 39 1/2 weeks pregnant at the time?  Yes.  

We tried to entice Michael to come out on his due date by getting a special after-school snack of slushies on Wednesday...  Fun for the rest of us!   

I'm in the process of making some new curtains for the loft.  And by "in the process of" I mean that I have bought the fabric....and that's about as far as I've gotten.  Regardless, the fabric came on two large reels and those have been enjoyed in many ways here.  Besides being robot arms and weapons of sorts, they make for great car tunnels!  (I prefer using them this was as opposed to having them touch the ceiling just because they can!)  

Ellen has been extra good the past few days (hoping I didn't just jinx myself!) and has been playing nicely and quietly by herself a lot.  When I was cleaning up the other night I saw this scene in her looked like grandpa had been kidnapped by a Disney princess sorority.

Happy Friday!  Happy Weekend!  Go visit Jen and wish her the same...