
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Super Sentences

Every few nights Clare has to write 3 sentences on her phonics homework.  At least one sentence is supposed to be "super"(AKA very descriptive), but usually all 3 of her sentences are "super."  I might be biased, but I have been enjoying reading her completed homework assignment on those nights!  Here is some of her most recent writing:     

"The mailman is delivering a small red valentine to the little boy."

"The cat is so high and so scared to go down."

"The happy small horse is trotting in circles."

"The playful little kitten is running and being chased by the fat dog."

There are several family members that have been told they have a way with written words and I think Clare has inherited that gene!  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Day on the Farm

Jude's pre-k class went on a field trip to a local farm yesterday for letter "F" week and Ellen, Michael, and I accompanied them.  (We all slept well last night after our outing!)  

Jude loved feeding the cows...

...and the goats.

Ellen especially loved the chickens.  

Hens laying.  

Of course both Jude and Ellen told me that the farm dog and cats were their favorite animals!  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Five Favorites

Heading over to Hallie's today with 5 fav's...

1.  "Gogurt popcicles."  Ryan's co-worker shared this idea with us and our kids love them.  Easy to gogurt, stick in freezer, serve to begging children.  My kids like these as much as ice cream, and are satisfied with them as a "dessert."


2.  Brianna's Home Style Blush Wine Vinaigrette.  Another foodie, but someone brought this salad dressing with dinner after Michael's arrival and it's a new favorite of mine.  It's very light and delicious on a simple salad of romaine, shredded parmesan, and craisins.

3. Insulated cups.  Specifically when they are housing my morning coffee since it usually takes all morning to consume it!

4.  Books on tape.  We bought our van with a built-in DVD player - which is great for road trips but sometimes it's a bit too convenient for all of us during the hour-long school pick-up.  I've been bringing books on tape to listen to in the car and even Ellen is entertained if she gets a turn holding the book.

5.  A 99% potty-trained 2 year-old!  We were 100% in our "achievements" yesterday!  It's definitely my very favorite thing right now!  :)  

Have a Happy Wednesday!  I'm praying for no rain for Jude's already rescheduled farm field trip today!    (And no "accidents" by accompanying siblings!)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lemonade Pie

Like everywhere else, it seems that spring has had a very s-l-o-w start here this year.  But finally (finally!) the temperatures are looking up and I had an excuse to make a spring-time dessert last week.  My MOPS group recently did a recipe exchange and I've been eager to try out some new things.  Someone shared this sweet (and easy - I love 5 ingredient recipes!) dessert and since Ryan doesn't like chocolate, we tried it out.

Lemonade Pie
1 pie shell, bake and cool (or cheat like I did and use a store-bought graham cracker crust)
1/2 can frozen lemonade
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 container of cool whip (use less if using a smaller graham cracker pie shell)

Mix all ingredients together and chill for at least 1 hour.

A perfect light spring (or summer!) dessert.


Monday, April 22, 2013

{Last} Week

We were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from not just one, but TWO grandmas here last week!  My mom and grandma made the trip and we enjoyed every minute of their visit.  

Michael with his great-grandma

Some of the highlights of their trip in no particular order...

1. Jude telling me he saw my mom's teeth in the bathroom.  They were actually just retainers.

2.  Ellen turning the corner in potty training with our house guests were here.  That was a good thing because she needed a large audience to tell her they were "so! happy!" on her accomplishments.  

3.  I very much enjoyed help with the laundry!  (Especially since it has seemed to somehow quadruple since Michael's arrival!)  

4.  Ellen attaching herself to my mom...and "teaching" her "new" words: 
"Grandma say 'Bob.'  Say 'tomato.'  Now all-together...say 'Bob the tomato.' "

5.  A 1:1 evening/dinner time ratio of adults to children!

6.  Playing cards, assembling puzzles, cooking with pot holders, Barbies, bubbles, and sleepovers in the loft.  

Looking forward to Aunt Margaret's visit next!  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Social

Sharing and socializing on Sunday...

Sunday Social

What is your shopping weakness?
Target.  Mostly window shopping more than anything else.  Shoes, clothes, housewares... 

What is your food weakness?
Chocolate!  The more the merrier! 

What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on?
I have more of a go to channel than an actual movie....  I usually end up on HGTV but if Michael is asleep then I sleep, too.  

What is your go to breakfast food?
I've actually been in a breakfast funk lately.  I usually just settle on a bagel with peanut butter but am ready for a change-up.  Any new breakfast ideas out there??

Do you drink coffee?  If so, how do you take it?
Yes!  With a generous splash of half and half!  


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Things He Says...

"Now that Michael is out of your belly you can wear your wedding dress again!"

To Michael in the bouncer seat as he's heading upstairs: "Michael, stay downstairs!"

"Spider monkeys don't have thumbs."

"He's [Michael] the best brother I ever had!"

"Hey Clare, don't you wish you were me?"

Jude: What are some of my nicknames?
Me: Jude-bug, Buggy, Judy...
Jude: Yeah, and "Helper Boy" and "Favor Boy."

Friday, April 12, 2013

Quick Takes

Linking up with Grace (with prayers for Jen) and the others with random thoughts from my post-partum brain...

Mexican seemed to be the theme for the dinners we received after Michael's arrival.  (I'm not complaining - they were all delicious!)  But everyone that brought a Mexican dish also brought sour cream to accompany their said dish.

As luck would have it, I ran across this recipe for sour cream pancakes on Pinterest and since they're from The Pioneer Woman herself I knew we had to try them!  And, of course, they were delicious.  I made them for breakfast this week.  Twice.  Try them, you'll like them!

We went wild and crazy last week for spring break and took a trip to the library.  Clare made a list of what we should get while we were there:

Our outing was successful!

This boy had his 1 month check up on Monday and weighed in at a whooping 12lbs., 8 oz.  I'm thinking I just might have huge biceps before his 2 month check up...

This is my life!


Jude thinks this video is hillllllllllllarious:

It may have been reenacted at our dinner table a few times this week...

Speaking of dinner, after 5 weeks of generous meals from friends, family, and our freezer my luck has run out.  Although the timing is perfect because we are looking forward to our house chefs guests next week!  :) 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 on 10

Late night link up with Rebekah with 10 pics of our 10th day of April...

7 AM - Pancake breakfast

8 AM - Brotherly Love

9 AM - Looking out the kitchen window at the rain.  

12 PM - Blossoms on the way to preschool. 

1 PM - My laundry folding buddy.

2 PM - Afternoon pick-up.

3 PM - 100%

4 PM - Dinner from a friend. 

7 PM - Cheesy sweet dreams. 

8 PM - "Reading" in bed. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

1 Month Old

Likes: Eating, Napping, Taking a Bath

Dislikes: Diaper Changes, Being Hungry

Nicknames: Mike Wazowski (from Monsters, given by Clare)

Size: 3 months

Special talents: Sleeping through anything

Tolerates: a pacifer when needed

Recent accomplishments: Smiling

Friday, April 5, 2013

Freezer Meals

I mentioned that I stock-piled some go-to meals in our freezer for after Michael arrived.  (Some even being of the fabulous crock pot variety!)  Here's a breakdown of what I stashed...

1. Homemade Calzones (using frozen bread dough).

6. Honey glazed pork chops*

Homemade hamburger patties, store-bought cheese ravioli, and frozen pizza rounded out the mix.

I've enjoyed this method of "cooking" over the past month in between the generosity of other chefs!

Happy Friday!

(For more Quick Takes hop over to Jen's!)

*crock pot!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5 Things in April

Joining Julie today for that which I am loving right now...

1.  Peanut butter banana smoothies.  Around 10AM I get the nursing mother munchies and since that's a bit too early for lunch I've been making a smoothie to hold me over until noon...or at least 11:30. 

I blend:
1 banana
1 tablespoon (or so) of natural peanut butter
generous splash of skim milk
handful of ice

2.  Spring break!  It has been so nice to have extra lazy mornings here and not have to time feedings and diaper changes around school pick ups.  This week already has me already looking forward to summer break!

3.  Afternoon preschool.  The kids are all on spring break this week, but on the days Jude has school it is so nice to have a relaxing morning and not have to run out the door unshowered or in pajamas.  Getting dressed and heading out by 12:30 is much more doable.

4.  March madness.  But more so just the brackets.  My dad sponsors a bracket challenge every year and my siblings/brothers-in-laws/husband/parents all partake in a friendly rivalry.

5.  Sleep smiles.  And laughing.  Michael had his first belly laugh in his sleep while I was holding him the other day.  Too sweet.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

He is risen!  Alleluia!

And I got a somewhat decent picture of all 4 kids together!  Alleluia!