
Monday, April 16, 2012


I celebrated my 31st birthday this weekend.  And my younger sister confirmed what I had been thinking all day:

Other siblings weren't too sure about my date of birth:

The original plan was to take the family to the baseball game for my birthday, but we opted not to go with the 100% chance of rain all day.  (And rain it did...pretty much all weekend.)


I did get to go shopping instead...without children!

Dinner at Chick-Fil-A was a big hit.  

(My kids licked their plates clean...unlike some other fast food chains we visit every once in a great while.)

Although older, I am not the wiser as we let the older two kids outside (after the 24+ hours of rain) and they came in caked in mud.  

Thankfully they had their trusty rain boots on and all came clean.  

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Your old what? Or did she mean "you're old"?

  2. Happy Birthday !
    I'm your newest follower - also on the Mommy panel !

    When you get a chance I'd love if you came by my place as well :)

  3. Happy Birthday to ya!! You and my hubs share the same bday:) Looks like you guys had a great day despite the change in plans, and mom got to go shopping alone--can't beat that!!
    New follower!!
    Barbara @ Chase the Star

  4. Happy birthday, Tricia...from someone who is turning 34 in a few weeks, I think you're young. :) I love a springtime birthday!

  5. Happy belated Birthday Tricia!! Hope you had a wonderful week!

  6. OK, I think we are so alike! I love following you because I can relate to pretty much everything you post :)

    Happy Belated Birthday!

    You are not old, 31 is a great year! I am 1/2 way into my 31st year and I'm finding it to be wonderful :)

