Monday, July 8, 2013

4 Months!

Where is the time going??  Can't believe sweet Michael turned 4 months old yesterday...although I'm pretty sure I said the same thing when he turned 3, 2, and 1 months...

Hobbies:  Big smiles.  All the time.  Any time.  Also starting to babble more and more.  

Means of Transportation: Scoots backwards on his back by pushing his heels into the floor.  Gains speed when angry.

Recent Accomplishments: Rolled over from front to back TWICE.  (Although I missed it both times because I was treating Princess Ellen to an evening bowl of Fruit Loops.)    

Loves: To hold toy rings.

Wears: Size 3-6-9 month.

Sleeps: 3 naps a day.  And nice big 6 hour stretches at night.  I've hit the jackpot the 4th time around!

PS - Jude at 4 months after his first haircut!  (Just so happens they are sporting the same stripes.)  Michael must not have inherited the thick-hair gene...  

And don't forget to enter the current Firmoo giveaway here!