Friday, July 19, 2013

7 Quickies

Linking up with Jen at Conversion Diary today!

We "celebrated" Cow Appreciate Day last Friday with the good people at Chick-fil-a and with some good friends.  I crossed both "lunch" and "field trip" off my list in one swoop.

Don't let her fool you, she really was happy to play in the playground.  

Thanks for being a good mom and taking pictures, Jessica!

Certain children and I have seen waaaay too much of the pool restroom this summer.  Almost to the point that I wish I was dealing with swim diapers and not public pool bathrooms with recently potty-trained offspring.  Over-sharing but had to say it.  

I recently found Ann Marie's blog and have been motivated by her "Summer Simplify" series.  I made a trip to the Dollar Store and stocked up on some organizing bins/containers and purged my linen closets. Colorful and organized.  And about 396 packages of floss lighter!

Michael had his 4 month check-up this week and weighed in at 20 lbs., 6 oz.  This confirms his win as my biggest baby ever, and that my biceps are ginormous.  (Or just that he's heavy to carry in his pumpkin seat!)

I made homemade chex mix this week.  My parents' neighbor who I babysat for used to make chex mix.  She would start a batch of it and then head out and ask you to rotate it around and turn the oven off for her.  She was one of the kindest and thoughtful people I have ever known and the smell of chex mix baking always makes me think of Amy!  (Jude thinks I've been holding out on him since I have only fed him the store bought bag of chex mix up to this point in his life!)

Don't you love it when everyone plays so nicely together??!?!?!  I surely do!

Happy Friday!


  1. Wow, that is big! My largest was 23 pounds at 6 months, so he's right on track!!

  2. Love your lunch/field trip day, Tricia! And your linen closet makeover = perfect!

  3. The chex mix looks so good. Do you have a specific recipe that you use?

    1. Nothing special - Just the original chex mix recipe.

  4. Ooh, I think I've been inspired by the chex mix! Looks so good!
    And you've got one big baby on your hands! (or on your hip...whatever...) My 16 mos. old just hit 20 lbs!!

  5. What did you do with all that extra floss? We always are running out!! Send to Akron please!

    1. Ha ha - we are going to the dentist tomorrow and will probably have too much again!
