Thursday, February 23, 2012 day late.

Here's why...  Ryan had his hernia surgery on Friday and things went downhill at our house quickly from there.  While his surgery went well and he is healing fine, I became increasingly sick after he was home.  Saturday landed me in my doctor's office with scrips for Tamiflu and a narcotic cough medicine.  As my luck would have it, the side effects I got from the Tamiflu were the nausea and vomiting.  Thankfully I finished that prescription yesterday and was able to nap here and there (something I normally never do).  The kids have also been exchanging a fever/cough/runny nose, so I haven't had anyone to pick up or drop off at school...(or sleep much at night).  

I *think* things are on the upswing here.  So today I will finally be putting Valentine's decorations away (sorry, neighbors!) and getting "Lent" out.  

Here are some things we have done in the past that our kids enjoy and we find meaningful for Lent:  

And last year I bought this lamb at the Dollar Store and tied a purple ribbon around it.  It sits above my kitchen sink and is a simple way for me to remember what Lent is about. 

Here's hoping our Lent finishes out stronger than it started!

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