Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Quickies For Today/Tonight/Whatever Day it is...

Happy Friday!  (At least I think - these mid-week holidays have my internal clock confused!)  Playing a late night catch-up with Jen...

1.  Before Christmas break, Jude received the coveted "Sunshine Award" in music class.  He was VERY excited to share the news when he got in the car that day after school.  Although from the teacher's comment (and from his reenactment), I'm wondering if his sleigh bell ringing was similar to the cow bell...

2. Moving onto child #3...  Lately Ellen has been saying the Act of Contrition in the morning before breakfast in place of Grace.  A slight foreshadowing that it will be needed for the day ahead...

sharing my morning coffee

3.  And now news about #4...  Over the past week Mr. Michael has begun to move vertically and not just horizontally.  He's propped himself up on the bottom step several times and has also made his way into cabinets a few times now.  And so the fun begins!  

4.  We've seen a fair share of snow so far this winter.  And I'm beginning to think my kids' obsession with eating snow is borderline unhealthy.  One big snowfall (about 8+ inches) happened about 12 hours after Ryan had knee surgery a few weeks ago.  Our good friends thoughtfully offered to help shovel our driveway.  Ryan joked that our kids could probably eat enough of the snow to clear the driveway - similar to ants lifting 50 times their body weight, our kids could probably eat 50 times their weight in snow.  (Don't worry - I did the shoveling and no children or ants were harmed in doing so.) 
5.  With the fresh start of a new year (and with new Christmas goodies in our home) I'm copying off of my sister and have embarked on a 30 bags in 30 days mission.  So it's day 3 and I have 4 bags for Goodwill, 1 bag of treasure chest donations for the classroom (that Clare and Jude are NOT students in!), and 2 bags in the trash.  I love a good purge!  

6.  And of course I am very much looking forward to Downton on Sunday night!  

7.  Have a great weekend and stay warm wherever you are!  


  1. I love your comment about your daughter praying the Act of Contrition before breakfast. Reminds me of my mom saying "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" ...!

  2. I am so going with this 30 bags in 30 days idea! Never heard of it before, but perfect for me as I majorlllllyyyyyyyyy need to declutter! Bag one is out of the way today - a bag full of scrapbooking goodies is being mailed to a friend.

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