Tuesday, June 25, 2013

T-Shirt Redesign

Clare and Jude participated in "Bible Camp" at our parish last week.  As a souvenir for the week, they each received a Bible Camp T-Shirt.  Clare and I decided to "reinvent" her T-Shirt to be a little bit more unique than a regular T-Shirt.  (I was fine with this idea since most of our freebie T-Shirts get shoved into the kids' pajama drawers.)  We settled on fringing the bottom of the shirt.  (She wanted to do the sleeves as well, but I drew the line at that thinking it would look a bit ragamuffin-ish on a 7 year-old.)

Here's what we did...
(pretty much following this video.)

Start with any T-Shirt laid out flat.  

I cut about 6 inches of "fringe" to the bottom of the shirt, cutting the front and back separately.    

Knot two pieces together.  

Then knot the next two strands together.

Then take a strand from each of the new knots and tie them into a knot...like so.

Continue this pattern all the way around the shirt.  

Finished product!

Modeling our work of art.

Clare felt like Aunt Margaret (fashion school grad!) since we "made" her shirt.  This was a fun project for us to work on together and kept us busy while Michael took a TWO HOUR nap one afternoon!  Win-win-win!

In researching how to re-make Clare's shirt I came across this website with several other T-Shirt "hack" ideas:
I especially liked the ruffle ideas!


  1. Love that idea! Super cute. That would be cute on the end of a blanket too. (our freebies go to the pj drawer too;))

  2. Love this...is there no end to your talents, my friend? : )

  3. OH thats so cute! She looks like she loves it!! :)

  4. Love the popped foot in addition to the cool t-shirt

  5. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at www.SugarBeeCrafts.com - you were featured today!! --Mandy, Sugar Bee Crafts

  6. Great idea to reuse your little one's clothing! Thanks for linking this up at Well Crafted Wednesdays!

  7. Great idea - looks like it was a hit. :) Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!

  8. The website style is great, the articles is really excellent

  9. Interesting post. I Have Been wondering about this issue, so thanks for posting.

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  12. They’re very convincing and can certainly work.
