Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kitchen Part I

Last weekend I started a project that will be taking many more weekends to complete: I started painting the kitchen!  Most rooms in our house needed to be repainted when we moved in and we are s-l-o-w-l-y making progress (Ellen has a little bit to do with the painting speed.)  I have been wanting to paint over the red in the kitchen from Day 1, so I was excited to get started.

Here's the kitchen right after we moved in...

 And here is it just after I primed over the red the other day.  It already feels so much bigger and brighter.  

The new khaki paint should warm it up a bit and will look nice and crisp against the white cabinets.  I'm just hoping to have it finished sometime this year...stay tuned. 

(PS - Ellen is actually sitting in the high chair in the bottom two pictures...she's a wee little thing!) 


  1. This is so exciting! I love how Jude is looking at the wall. Seems like he is pondering the new color! Love it!

  2. oh fun! can't wait to see it! three kids and painting the house - geeze. you never cease to amaze me!

  3. I amazed at your ability to paint with 3 kids, let alone a tiny one too! Nice job!!
